Webinar: come ospitare rifugiati tramite Airbnb.org (sessione in spagnolo)
Scopri come offrire alloggi gratuiti o a una tariffa scontata alle persone in fuga dall'Ucraina.
Da Airbnb, in data 25 mar 2022
Ultimo aggiornamento: 25 mar 2022Video di 25 min.
In breve
- Discover more in our complete guide to Hosting Ukraine refugees through Airbnb.org.
Check out the video above, and remember:
- You can make your existing Airbnb listing available for free or at a discounted rate for refugee bookings.
- You can also create a new listing directly through Airbnb.org that will be available for free and only visible for refugee bookings.
- Once a person or family has been identified as in need of temporary housing, a nonprofit caseworker may help them book a stay. Alternatively, the guest may receive a booking voucher to help them book a stay on their own.
Thank you for stepping up and supporting those in need.
In breve
- Discover more in our complete guide to Hosting Ukraine refugees through Airbnb.org.
25 mar 2022
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