Monti, Roma: attività uniche

Monti, Roma: attività uniche

Prenota attività indimenticabili proposte da persone del luogo su Airbnb.

Attività con le valutazioni più alte

Esplora le meraviglie di Roma a piedi
Rome is undoubtedly one of the most picturesque cities in the world to explore. Join me on an enchanting stroll through the city center as we visit some of the major sights that you really shouldn’t miss, plus some of my favourite hidden gems. My route is carefully curated and I make sure to take characteristic little back alleys that few venture down. Expect: * Hidden gems * Expert knowledge * Unbeatable value! We meet at the base of Trajan’s Column, next to the Venice Square (Piazza Venezia), in the real heart of the Eternal city. After getting to know each other, I will begin to explain the ancient Imperial Forums, the unification of Italy and the rebirth of Rome during the Renaissance. The Trevi Fountain attracts millions of visitors every year and with me you will find out why! Admire its beauty as I give you the full story behind the fountain and we get to the bottom of the coin-throwing tradition. The next stop will be in Piazza della Rotunda, the location of the world-famous Pantheon. Experience this most important of Rome’s pagan temples and discover its 2000 years of history. We save the best till last: Piazza Navona, which is by far the most elaborate of Rome’s squares. Absorb the ambiance as we get into the rivalry between the artists whose works have defined the beauty of this square. Maximum 15 people
Il tour più interessante di Roma: le catacombe
Literally the coolest tour in Rome! We go underground where it is 16°C (60°F for us Yankees) a great way to beat the heat With over 300 km of underground tunnels surrounding Rome, even if you go out there alone, they will not let you go down by yourself, only with a guide to assure you don't get lost and become a permanent resident. With 10 years guiding experience under my belt, I will take you off the beaten path and bring ancient Roman society to life, telling the Stories behind the art and architecture. Showing you the masterpieces that you absolutely have to see before you leave Rome. We first go down to the Basilica that was built at the end of the 4th century AD above the tomb of the two martyrs Nereus and Achilleu. Then we will walk down further to the Best Preserved Catacombs of Rome. I will introduce you to the early Christian community of Imperial Rome, and of Catholicism in the city between the 2nd and 9th centuries. Ending near the Appia Antica where you are free to continue your Adventures. Tickets not included please see notes Other things to note Some stairs involved, no wheelchairs access, comfortable shoes are recommended, temperature of the site is 16° C (60.8° F). Tickets are not included they will be purchased on site CASH ONLY (no credit card or bancomat): Adults: 10,00 € Between 6 to 15 years: 7,00 € 0 to 5 years: FREE
Passeggia di notte tra le meraviglie di Roma
After meeting, We will start by standing in front of the Colosseum (1), which was constructed unfortunately by tens of thousands of Jewish slaves. Then we will walk through Mussolini's grand Via Dei Fori Imperiali and then at Venezia Square (2) will take some photos in front of the Altar of the Fatherland/The Vittoriano (3), which is a monument of great symbolic value. Passing by the Pontifical Gregorian University (4), the first university founded by Jesuits, we will admire the marvelous Trevi Fountain (5) at night; a jewel of water and stone in Rome. After the Pantheon (6), which continues to function as a church, we will stroll through Piazza di Pietra, where the charm of Hadrian's Temple (7) is discreetly concealed, then we will lead to our final destination: the French/Spanish Steps(8), famous because of their unique design, elegance, and romantic atmosphere. With a 4.44 km/3-mile walk, our journey promises both cultural immersion and physical delight. Please note that we appreciate these landmarks from the outside. Additionally, stay connected throughout with provided Wi-Fi. For the availability of this experience in the daylight , please check: 10 wonders of Rome in 3 hrs If you are interested in a tour of Jewish Ghetto:
10 meraviglie di Roma in 3 ore
After meeting, We will start by standing in front of the Colosseum (1), which was constructed unfortunately by tens of thousands of Jewish slaves. Then we will walk through Mussolini's grand Via Dei Fori Imperiali and then at Venezia Square (2) will take some photos in front of the Altar of the Fatherland/The Vittoriano (3), which is a monument of great symbolic value. Passing by the Pontifical Gregorian University(4), the first university founded by Jesuits, we will admire the marvelous Trevi Fountain (5); a jewel of water and stone in Rome. After the Pantheon(6), which continues to function as a church, we can get some Italian espresso - my treat. Then we will stroll through Piazza di Pietra, where the charm of Hadrian's Temple (7) surprises everyone. leading to the French/Spanish Steps(8), famous because of their unique design, elegance, and romantic atmosphere. And then passing by Villa Borghese Park(9) we will arrive at the "Secret" :)) panoramic view(10), which is also our last destination. Other things to note: - We will admire the monuments from outside - We will walk approx. 5.46 km/3.4 miles - I will provide also Wi-Fi ____ For the or availability of this experience at night, please look: Marvels of Rome at night If you are interested in a tour of Jewish Ghetto: T
Tour esclusivo del Colosseo con accesso VIP all'arena
Explore the ancient wonders of Rome like never before with our Exclusive Colosseum Arena Floor Experience. Highlights include: ⭐ Knowledge of expert historian guide ⭐ Complete tour of Colosseum Palatine Hill and Roman Forum, including VIP Arena floor area. We will begin with the Colosseum, where you'll have the unique opportunity to walk on the same ground as gladiators and emperors. With an expert historian, you will gain a unique perspective of the Colosseum and its history. Next, you'll visit the Palatine Hill, the birthplace of Rome. Here you'll have the opportunity to explore the ruins of the emperor's palace and learn about the daily lives of ancient Romans and the role the Hill played in the city's history. Finally, you'll head to the Roman Forum, the political and economic center of ancient Rome. You'll walk through the ruins of the Senate House, the Temple of Julius Caesar, and more, as you discover the center of the Roman Empire. Small groups only. Limited spots available for the arena floor, so don't wait - book your spot now! NOTES: Please remember to bring a valid form of photo ID for each participant. We will either start with the Colosseum OR Palatine Hill and Roman Forum, depending on ticket timings. The group size is 15 maximum.

Apprezzate dalle persone del luogo

Vespa Tour - Explore Ancient Rome with Photographer
<<< EXPERIENCE ONLY FOR PASSENGERS >>> You'll love taking this tour as a passenger, following our knowledgeable drivers as they show you around Rome's picturesque streets.                                           <<< ROUTE >>> 1. Our journey begins in the old Cavour street, which are close to the Colosseum. 2. "The Colosseum" will be our first destination. 3. You will see "Circus Maximus" and "Arc of Constantine" during our way to "Orange Garden", one of the best panoramic views of the city is available from the Terrazza Aventino. 4. On our way to one of the magnificent temples in the world - "Pantheon", we will bypass "La Bocca della Verita" ( The Mouth of Truth), "Piazza Venezia" and "Largo Argentina" where the Julius Caesar was assassinated. **** Before reaching "Piazza Navona" , You will taste ORIGINAL ITALIAN TIRAMISU **** 5. The next destination will be "Piazza Navona". Jump on a Vespa and let's create unforgettable memories in Rome!
Vespa Vista tour with professional photopraphy
The Vespa Vista tour with professional photography offers a unique and immersive experience for travelers who want to explore Rome in style while capturing stunning memories through professional photography. During the tour, participants ride on Vespas through the famous streets of Rome, guided by experienced tour guides who know the city inside out. They visit iconic landmarks, hidden gems, and scenic viewpoints, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of Rome's beauty. What sets the Vespa Vista tour apart is the inclusion of professional photography services. A skilled photographer accompanies the group, capturing high-quality images throughout the journey. At the end of the tour, participants receive a digital gallery of professionally edited photos, allowing them to relive their Vespa experience and share their memories with friends and family. Overall, the Vespa Vista tour with professional photography offers a seamless blend of exploration, adventure, and creativity, providing participants with an unforgettable way to experience Rome and capture memories that will last a lifetime. Our Route will be as Above - Colosseum ( Photo stop) - Circus Maximus ( Pass by) - Orange Garden ( stop for view) - Piazza Venezia ( pass by) -Castel Angelo ( pass by) - Janiculum Hill ( Photo stop) NOTE: You can attend the experience as a Passanger .
Tour romano personalizzato in Vespa
Gentile ospite, se hai visitato Roma più volte e hai trovato noiosi altri percorsi turistici, questo tour è perfetto per te. Con le nostre opzioni di percorso flessibili, puoi creare la tua esperienza personalizzata. Al momento della prenotazione del nostro tour, riceverai informazioni dettagliate sui bellissimi luoghi da visitare a Roma. Queste informazioni ti aiuteranno a creare un incredibile tour in Vespa romana. Ogni punto del tour dura 20 minuti e il tempo totale del tour è di 120 minuti, permettendoti di scegliere fino a 6 posti per il tuo itinerario. Al termine del tour, puoi concederti il miglior tiramisù italiano, che è incluso nel pacchetto. *Nota importante: tutte le offerte sono incluse nel prezzo; non sono richiesti pagamenti aggiuntivi. Non accettiamo pagamenti in contanti. La preghiamo di astenersi dal contattarci al di fuori della piattaforma di Airbnb, poiché ciò comporterà la segnalazione automatica. Gli ospiti possono richiedere il punto di riconsegna preferito.
Walking and eating in Rome
The best food in the world? For sure it's in Rome and the best way to taste it is to have a tour with a roman. When you begin to imagine a trip to Rome the dream is to visit the eternal city, its monuments and art, but also to enjoy excellent food, discover new flavors, satisfy the palate and having fun with a great roman story teller. My aim is to give life to your dream accompanying you on a journey that will satisfy all your senses. We will immerse ourselves in the history of two thousand years walking in Piazza Navona and campo dei fiori where you will visit the narrow streets a church and a few local shops where you will eat the most typical roman food like maritozzo con panna (a special roman croissant) and cappuccino, suppli, pizza, porchetta, cheese, salumi and gelato . Visiting Campo dei fiori market will be the best way to end the tour. If you don't find a date please send me a message and I will be happy to accomodate your requests if possible.
Scopri Roma con uno chef privato
Goditi la tua esperienza privata da chef nel tuo alloggio. Approfitta dei nostri sconti per gruppi! ★ 15% DI SCONTO: gruppi da 4 a 5 ospiti ★ 20% DI SCONTO: gruppi di +6 ospiti Scopri i segreti nascosti all'interno di ogni piatto e gusta un delizioso pasto a più portate. Preparati a scoprire i sapori di Roma senza lasciare la tua sala da pranzo! Arriverò 90 minuti prima dell'orario di pranzo che preferisci per iniziare a lavorare alla mia magia. Non arriverò a mani vuote! No, mi presenterò alla tua porta di casa con tutti gli ingredienti necessari per preparare il tuo pasto. Sentiti libero di indossare il grembiule e cucinare alcuni dei piatti con me! Non vedo l'ora di condividere con voi i segreti dietro le mie ricette e i tesori nascosti di Roma. Non hai voglia? Poi sdraiati, rilassati, goditi qualche antipasto e permetti a me e al mio team di prendersi cura di te. Mangia, bevi, ridi ed esplora la scena culinaria di Roma dal tuo tavolo. Oh, e non preoccuparti di riordinare, tutto sarà lasciato immacolato per permetterti di continuare a divertirti! Per dare un'occhiata più da vicino ai miei menu, controlla la sezione "Cosa è incluso" di seguito!

Con ottime valutazioni per la loro unicità

Molto più di una semplice lezione di cucina
Benvenuto a casa nella nostra calda e sincera esperienza culinaria romana e impara a cucinare con il miglior chef di sempre, una mamma romana! Con noi non parteciperai solo a un corso di cucina; stai diventando parte della nostra famiglia romana,mamma figlia Rolly e la famiglia saranno entusiasti di darti il benvenuto nella nostra bellissima casa di famiglia arroccata in cima al Gianicolo Hill, che offre le viste più mozzafiato di Roma. Non si tratta solo di tradizioni culinarie, ma di invitarti nelle nostre vite e nei nostri cuori. Aspettati di essere accolti a braccia aperte, bicchieri di vino e un genuino senso di appartenenza. Questo corso di cucina è un'estensione del nostro amore per il cibo, la nostra città e il nostro patrimonio, il tutto racchiuso in un'esperienza ricca di musica e risate. Che si tratti di perfezionare l'arte del tiramisù o di creare due diversi tipi di pasta fatta a mano, ogni passaggio è condiviso con amore e storie. Questo non è un solo corso di cucina; è un'autentica esperienza romana piena di cibo fatto in casa, intrattenimento e il tipo di risate che possono venire solo dalla famiglia. Qualche appunto: Rolly è il nostro cane e si godrà l'esperienza, mentre amiamo i bambini, questa esperienza è su misura per gli adulti, se sei una famiglia offriamo una lezione per famiglie che puoi prenotare su
Fresh Pasta in professional pastificio
Imparerai a fare tanti tipi di pasta fatta in casa in un vero e proprio laboratorio di pasta, recensito tra i "10 migliori pastifici di Roma". Inizieremo con la pasta fatta a mano, realizzata con diversi tipi di farine: come il Triticum Monococcum di grano antico grano saraceno e la farina integrale. Faremo sfoglia sottile, spiegazione delle procedure di taglio sicuro degli alimenti, realizzazione di tre tipi di ravioli, tortellini, fettuccine con due salse tipiche italiane. L'esperienza include una deliziosa degustazione di formaggi locali e Prosecco italiano. Possiamo accogliere anche ospiti allergici al GLUTINE e ospiti VEGANI per una gustosissima pasta fresca. Cucineremo tutta la pasta e le salse fatte durante la lezione, mangiando i nostri diversi tipi di pasta fatta, sorseggiando del buon vino italiano. Seguirà una preparazione espressa di tiramisù come dessert. Inoltre, a tutti i partecipanti verrà offerto in omaggio l'esclusivo Cappello da Cuoco Professionale con logo. Oltre al programma regolare, tutti i giorni della settimana verrà presentata una versione diversa: lunedì e sabato salsa alla carbonara; martedì-venerdì-giovedì; CacioPepe; mercoledì amatriciana. Per partecipare alla lezione è richiesta la registrazione dell'iscrizione. (nessun costo aggiuntivo è dovuto). Stesso programma disponibile anche nella nostra seconda esperienza "Pasta fresca in Antica Cucina"
Creazione di un mosaico antico
Throughout the years, we have mastered different mosaic techniques, both traditional and modern. That is why you will find the studio full of original tools, sketches by famous Italian artists, and important mosaics masterpieces. The workshop will begin with an introduction to Roman mosaic technique and history. Afterwards, you will practice the principles of texture, composition and marble tile cutting to create your own mosaic to take home. It is fundamental to us to transfer the real techniques of Roman Mosaic craft. Therefore, your mosaic will be correct and based on Ancient mosaic rules. The final result is your own personal mosaic to take home that will be approximately 7” x 5”, weighing 14 oz. A master mosaicist will share important tips, and provide the assistance you need to ensure the best result. This is a full immersion work experience. You are going to work in an authentic mosaic studio and handle specific tools. For safety reasons, we recommend starting this experience from 12 years on.
A caccia di tartufi nei boschi del Lazio
Faremo una gita di un giorno attraverso i boschi a nord di Roma, a caccia di tartufi con l'aiuto di cani addestrati, attraverseremo aree ricche di storia di straordinaria bellezza naturale. Dopo il viaggio andremo a pranzo a casa mia, impareremo a cucinare piatti al tartufo e li mangeremo a pranzo con un ottimo vino. Cucinerò per voi molti piatti diversi, tutti con tartufi freschi! Potrai assaggiare molte combinazioni diverse con tartufi freschi! Altre cose da tenere a mente Abbiamo due luoghi per fare il tour, entrambi facili da raggiungere e vicini a Roma, è possibile cambiare posizione anche pochi giorni prima del tour.
Wonderful tour in Rome by Fiat vintage
What shall we do.. We start by me coming to pick you up anywhere you are, ( Rome City) Then we go to visit the most beautiful squares in the world, churches, monuments and hills eg, Piazza Venezia, Piazza di Spagna, Piazza Navona, Pantheon, Campo di fiori Trastevere Fontana di Trevi, via del corso via condotti, via del anima, via del governo vecchio, piazza del Figo, circo massimo, il buco della serratura, San pietro Vatican, Gianicolo, Pincio. Then we stop to have the best coffee in Rome in a very popular bar, we drink a glass of wine from the bottle that waits for us in a picnic basket behind the car and then the famous Italian ice cream. We drive through the romantic alleys where many shops are located , in the air we can smell the inviting aroma coming out the restaurants that serve typical Roman dishes. At each place, we will get pictures taken by the staff or from me. Each stop will be 10-15 minutes and the guests are free to visit the locations alone if they wish so.. At the end, I will leave the guest at the location of their choosing. Altre cose da tenere a mente For a car breakdown or illness the visit cannot be made.

Monti, Roma: tutte le attività nelle vicinanze

Laboratorio degli amanti della pasta e del tiramisù
Goditi il nostro corso di cucina di 1,30 / 2 ore nel cuore di Roma, dove imparerai come preparare la pasta da zero e il nostro famoso Tiramisù con ingredienti semplici e freschi. Scoprirai la ricetta e i segreti di questi piatti popolari e avrai la possibilità di porre domande al nostro esperto chef locale nella cucina italiana. Saluta il tuo chef presso il ristorante affermato nel cuore di Roma. Indossa solo il cappello da cuoco e il grembiule e sarai pronto a lavorare. Innanzitutto, inizierai a preparare la tua pasta con farina e uova, lo chef ti mostrerà quale tipo di pasta puoi preparare con questa ricetta e sceglierai la tua preferita da tagliare. Una volta che la pasta sarà pronta, passerai alla preparazione del Tiramisù utilizzando tutti gli ingredienti e gli strumenti necessari. Quando la lezione sarà finita, scegli la tua salsa topping (carbonara, amatriciana, cacio e pepe, Alfredo ecc.) Fai una pausa e rilassati con un buon bicchiere di vino e il ristorante cucinerà per te il frutto del tuo lavoro! Altre cose da tenere a mente Il ristorante è nel centro di Roma, vicino a Piazza di Spagna
Incredibile tour fotografico professionale a Roma
Cerchi una fantastica esperienza di servizio fotografico in una delle città più belle e storiche al mondo? Non cercare oltre! La nostra esperienza professionale combina una sessione di fotografia di strada con un tour di alcuni dei monumenti più iconici di Roma. Avrai splendide foto scattate davanti al Colosseo, al Foro Romano o al Campidoglio, e altro ancora, per un'esperienza memorabile Cosa è incluso: sessione fotografica di un'ora e✓ mezza attraverso la vecchia Roma con un fotografo professionista ✓ Tutte le foto originali verranno consegnate digitalmente durante le 24 ore ✓ 20 foto modificate a colori consegnate digitalmente (file RAW a richiesta) ✓ Tour storico a piedi di Roma Tipo di prenotazioni: sessione di✓ gruppo (condividi 90 minuti con altri ospiti) Sessione ✓ privata (sessione esclusiva per te) Sono un fotografo professionista con 8 anni di esperienza che lavora a Roma. Conosco questa vecchia città eterna e tutti i suoi tesori nascosti e questo mi aiuta a creare foto incredibili. Cerco sempre di aiutare le persone con le loro pose e faccio il possibile per farti sentire rilassato e sicuro. Vuoi aggiungere altre attrazioni come la Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Spagna, il Vaticano o il Pantheon alla tua sessione fotografica? Contattaci per una prenotazione privata personalizzata Crea ricordi indimenticabili e prenota oggi stesso il tuo fantastico servizio fotografico! Non rimarrai deluso!
Guided tour at Colosseum - Roman Forum & Palatine Hill
Immerse yourself in the wonders of ancient Rome with our guided tour of the Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and the Roman Forum! Led by certified local guides, including certified art historians and archaeologists, our tour guarantees an unforgettable experience! Experience the Colosseum like never before, tracing the footsteps of gladiators, emperors, and everyday Romans. Delve into this iconic monument, where tales of fierce battles and ancient spectacles await! Step back in time as we wander through the enchanting streets of the Roman Forum. Marvel at the majestic and uncover the secrets of life in ancient Rome. Ascend Palatine Hill and discover the opulent residences of Rome's elite. Immerse yourself in the lavish world of the city's wealthiest inhabitants with a breathtaking views! -- ⚠️ PLEASE, NOTE THAT: - English language ONLY. - FULL names & ages of visitors will be required ASAP - Nominal Tickets - OFFICIAL ID will be required for entry; failure to bring ID may result in refusal - Tour ITINERARY may START with Colosseum or Palatine Hill & Roman Forum - Small groups of 24 people. - Wheelchair/crutches, strollers, suitcases and big backpacks are NOT permitted - NO REFUNDS for those who didn't share their full names & ages on time, no-shows or late arrivals.
Pastamania a Roma
Impara a preparare facilmente e con successo la pasta fatta in casa unendoti a noi nella nostra scuola di cucina situata nel centro storico di Roma. Il nostro team di chef professionisti è lieto di incontrarvi e trascorrere una lezione divertente e unica insegnandovi i segreti della produzione di ravioli, fettuccine, spaghetti e tortelli in diverse forme. Ti forniremo tutti gli strumenti necessari tra cui un grembiule, un mattarello, un taglierino per la pasta, le uova e la farina. Dopo la preparazione, cucineremo la pasta insieme ai sughi già preparati. Ogni partecipante preparerà la propria pasta, poi la cucineremo nella stessa pentola per condividerla con il resto del gruppo come una vera famiglia italiana. Questa esperienza durerà circa 3 ore e sarà un'opportunità per socializzare con altri viaggiatori e il tuo host in un'autentica atmosfera italiana. Durante il pasto serviremo il delizioso vino toscano biologico, che produciamo nella nostra cantina chiamata "Dalle Nostre Mani" con metodi naturali. Se vuoi bere durante la lezione, puoi acquistare alcune bottiglie nel nostro negozio prima della lezione. Ci auguriamo che questa esperienza sia utile per aumentare le tue conoscenze culinarie e consentirti di replicare i nostri segreti a casa tua, lasciando i tuoi commensali stupiti! Ogni partecipante riceverà istruzioni in inglese.
In giro per Roma con un fotografo professionista
Whether you are travelling solo or with your significant other ,or with friends / family, it is always to hard to get a spontaneous photos to capture the best moments truly.Don't leave it up to a stranger on the street, let me show you my Favourite spots in Rome while taking great Photos of You. For more photos you can check . This Photosession will provide you as individual souvenir of Rome.You will post professional and unique photos in your social platform.I will help you the right poses to capture the best look. Even if this is your first experience of photoshoot i will help you relax and have fun. My goal is to make this a memorable and fun Experience. At the end of experience you will get all Raw Photos during 24 hours. ( with 10 edited photos by mystyle. This photography session is great for couples, engagements,weddings, pre-wedding,families,surprise proposals,groups,team and individual pictures. We will take photo in that Spots 1. Colosseo 2. Fontana Di Trevi 3. Pantheon Notes : Please send me private message for other Famous places. *Red Vespa Shooting is free for Private sessions *I will send photos during 24 hours. After that you will select 10 of them and i will edit. * Vintage ( Fiat500) car and Flying dress Photoshoot is available , send message if you are interested *Quick delivery ( 24 h) and 10 edited photos are considered Private Group Photoshoots.
Cinematic Photoshoot in Rome
Who doesn't love Italian cinema? Cinematic-style Travel Photoshoot is a great way to have unforgettable memories of your holiday in the eternal city with a professional Fashion Photographer and Filmmaker with more than 8 years of experience. My mission is not only to create a cinematic vision of this day but to tell the story through your photos. Are you ready for "La Dolce Vita"? This expression derives from a famous worldwide Italian movie, and many people associate it with a vague idea of a picturesque life in Italy. We'll help you how to feel comfortable with the camera as a real star, enjoy moment and your photos will have a natural look. To have an idea of the pictures you can get, check our insta: @vis_arts_ You can check the following points. - We have two types of sessions: 1. Shared (Multiple people share at the same time) 2. Private (You are the only guest) Please make sure that when you make a booking :) - We will send you all your photos and also we will edit some of your favorite ones depending on the session type. - We can also help you with outfits, professional makeup and hairstylist. - Outfit change and use of accessories like newspaper, and coffee on the shooting is available only for Private session. - For professional video shooting, you can just write me. If you have any questions about our experience, send me a message. Let’s write your story :)
Bar Crawling in Rome
Do you want to visit the BEST bars in downtown Rome where locals, expats, and travellers come to enjoy an incredible night? If you answered Yes,this is the nightlife experience you’re looking for! Our night starts at 10:45 at the HIGHLANDER PUB (Vicolo San Biagio 9) where guests can enjoy 1drink of choice + 1 shot of choice. Then we stroll through the picturesque streets of the Eternal City heading to a couple of extra bars along the way. In each one of them we'll get VIP entry as well as a Free welcome shot and drink specials. Our local tour guides will be hosting drinking games such as Beer pong and others all night long and of course, will also give you priceless recommendations about the city Whether you're travelling solo and looking for drinking buddies or with a group of friends, this is definitely the place to be!
Rome Street Food Tour, Once in Rome, Eat Like a Local
Are you looking for the best food tour in Rome? We offer an excellent introduction to some of the best authentic STREET FOOD in Rome. INCLUDED IN THE PRICE: - Panini with porchetta - Cheese, Olive Oil, Truffle and Vinegar tasting (only in the morning) - Fried rice ball - Pizza - Roman Artichokes - Icecream (Vegetarian option available). Our English-speaking guides will make history come alive by telling you about interesting anecdotes, guiding you through the Jewish ghetto, showing the beauty of the Pantheon (from the outside), and more! Be sure not to eat before the tour otherwise you won’t be able to fully appreciate all the food! The best option is taking this tour the first day of your Roman holiday in order to get acquainted with the city in a smooth way, learn how to discern and avoid tourist traps, gaining precious suggestions and recommendations from our expert guides. We only accept a maximum of 10 participants, this guarantees the strongest attention and personalisation since our clients’ full satisfaction is our goal. POINT OF INTEREST: - Campo de Fiori - Local fruit market (only in the morning) - Piazza del Biscione - Ghetto area - Portico d'Ottavia - Teatro Marcello - Sinagoga - Largo Argentina - Pantheon Itinerary & tastings are subject to change due to seasonal availability/holidays or adverse weather conditions. DURATION: 2.5/3 hours
Il lato oscuro di Roma: fantasmi e leggende
*AIRBNB AWARD WINNING TOUR 2022* Every city has a dark side, and one as old as Rome is no different. We have ghosts, gruesome executions, and murders, and they can be strangely fascinating. Come along for an after-dark stroll to explore some of these tales of Rome. We begin in one of Rome's liveliest squares, now full of bars and restaurants. However, it was once a place of execution, and reminders of this still stand - hear the tale of Giordano Bruno, one of Italy's greatest minds who got on the wrong side of the Church. Then we stroll through the backstreets, arriving at one of the oldest bridges, which is haunted by one of Rome's most infamous characters. Strolling down a medieval street, we come to a unique church, home to a mysterious order of monks with a rather macabre task. From here, we reach the site of one of the world's most notorious historical prisons, then pass the tomb of the notorious Borgia Pope, before arriving at the home of an infamous poisoner. Soon, we reach Castel Sant'Angelo, where we talk about one of Rome's most famous executions, which the city's people didn't want - the Cenci family. Altogether, it's a fascinating alternative look at Roman history. Other things to note: It's an easy walk, lasting about 2 hours. We end close to some nice bars and restaurants. Please arrive 10 minutes early as we cannot guarantee waiting for late arrivals.
Salta la fila: M. Vaticani, Cap. Sistina e Basilica di S. Pietro
The Skip the Line tickets gives us the privilege of cutting the long lines and having a fast-tracked journey through the amazing museums, galleries and landmarks. This immensely catholic journey will be explained by our expert local guide where you will learn the history behind many places and things such as the beloved Sistine Chapel, the iconic Belvedere Courtyard, the antique galleries, and so much more. Take that perfect picture in front of the Pigna Statue in the Pinecone Courtyard, discover the series of galleries in Raphael’s Rooms. The Sistine Chapel will surely be a highlight of this tour, as it is extremely important and where the Pope goes to worship. At the end will introduce you to the St. Peter Basilica and it square allowing the group to Skip the long lines and visit it at its own pace and time, this part it won't be guided. On this journey, you will learn the secrets and legends that only a local would know and will get a special look into this historical site. We speak a high level of English and we are ready to answer any and all of your questions throughout the tour. Great experience for solo, couples, families, groups or team building events. Not possible to attend with wheelchair or stroller. Be aware that after 2:00 PM starting time, the access to the St Peter Basilica it is not guaranteed as other part of the Vatican Museums that can be closed.
Rome Highlights Photo Shoot for Memorable Moments
We offer much more than just a simple photography experience.From the moment you book with us, you'll start experiencing the difference. ~~The Vespa is available for private photo sessions only. Adding a unique Italian touch to your photos. ~~ I personally attend the photo shoots, with assistant photographers only coming to provide help if necessary. ~~If it's your first photo shoot,don't worry! I 'll guide you through poses,making you comfortable and confident ~~ We plan our route, keeping your preferences in mind to provide a personalized experience. ~~Need advice on outfits, best times for shoots, or other aspects? We're here to help, offering guidance to ensure your photo session is perfect. ~~You won't have to wait to relive your moments. We provide same-day delivery of the photos so you can share them instantly. ~~Each guest will receive all originals and 10 professionally edited photos. Warnings * This is not a Vespa tour experience; it's a photography session * Bring as few items as possible * In group settings where there are different guests, the photographer will determine the route to ensure the best photographic outcomes for everyone involved. * The price is per person. If you are a couple you need to make reservation for two * Sunrise hours are ideal for visuals and crowds
Esplora le meraviglie di Roma a piedi
Rome is undoubtedly one of the most picturesque cities in the world to explore. Join me on an enchanting stroll through the city center as we visit some of the major sights that you really shouldn’t miss, plus some of my favourite hidden gems. My route is carefully curated and I make sure to take characteristic little back alleys that few venture down. Expect: * Hidden gems * Expert knowledge * Unbeatable value! We meet at the base of Trajan’s Column, next to the Venice Square (Piazza Venezia), in the real heart of the Eternal city. After getting to know each other, I will begin to explain the ancient Imperial Forums, the unification of Italy and the rebirth of Rome during the Renaissance. The Trevi Fountain attracts millions of visitors every year and with me you will find out why! Admire its beauty as I give you the full story behind the fountain and we get to the bottom of the coin-throwing tradition. The next stop will be in Piazza della Rotunda, the location of the world-famous Pantheon. Experience this most important of Rome’s pagan temples and discover its 2000 years of history. We save the best till last: Piazza Navona, which is by far the most elaborate of Rome’s squares. Absorb the ambiance as we get into the rivalry between the artists whose works have defined the beauty of this square. Maximum 15 people
Il tour più interessante di Roma: le catacombe
Literally the coolest tour in Rome! We go underground where it is 16°C (60°F for us Yankees) a great way to beat the heat With over 300 km of underground tunnels surrounding Rome, even if you go out there alone, they will not let you go down by yourself, only with a guide to assure you don't get lost and become a permanent resident. With 10 years guiding experience under my belt, I will take you off the beaten path and bring ancient Roman society to life, telling the Stories behind the art and architecture. Showing you the masterpieces that you absolutely have to see before you leave Rome. We first go down to the Basilica that was built at the end of the 4th century AD above the tomb of the two martyrs Nereus and Achilleu. Then we will walk down further to the Best Preserved Catacombs of Rome. I will introduce you to the early Christian community of Imperial Rome, and of Catholicism in the city between the 2nd and 9th centuries. Ending near the Appia Antica where you are free to continue your Adventures. Tickets not included please see notes Other things to note Some stairs involved, no wheelchairs access, comfortable shoes are recommended, temperature of the site is 16° C (60.8° F). Tickets are not included they will be purchased on site CASH ONLY (no credit card or bancomat): Adults: 10,00 € Between 6 to 15 years: 7,00 € 0 to 5 years: FREE
Limited colosseum tour - Small group and skip the line
*** TOUR 4TH of JULY at 3PM is AN UNDERGROUND TOUR FOR 4 PEOPLE MAX *** Hii there! Welcome to my tour of the colosseum! With over 4000 tours under my belt, I'm not just your average guide – I'm your expert companion, ready to unlock every secret the Colosseum hides! But this isn't just a history lesson – it's an experience you'll carry with you for a lifetime. With personalized insights, insider knowledge, and a passion for storytelling, I'll bring the Colosseum to life in ways you never imagined. Join me, and discover why this isn't just the best tour of the Colosseum – it's an adventure! ⭐️ Highlights: - SMALL GROUP ONLY - SKIP_THE_LINE - FRIENDLY AND EASY ⛔️ ️ Limited Availability: UNDERGROUND PRIVATE TOUR!! ASK ME !! ️ IMPORTANT: - TICKETS ARE NOT INCLUDED ( 20€ to pay cash at the end of the tour, under 18y old go with a free ticket) - I NEED FULL NAMES OF EVERYONE, OR THE ENTRANCE WILL BE DENIED AND THE TOUR NOT REFUNDED - NOT LATE ARRIVALS - ENTRANCE OF THE ROMAN FORUM INCLUDED
Tour dello street food con vino e foto informali
EAT/Walk/Capture Join me to discover the true essence of Rome through its flavors,stories and unforgettable scenery! Starting near the iconic Pantheon! This 2 to 2.5-hour journey showcases Rome's beloved street food and captures your experience with professional photos. Enjoy a variety of local favorites including: ~homemade Italian wine ~ crispy Pizza al Taglio ~Suppli (fried rice balls), ~flavorful Panini ~Tiramisu ~different cheeses ~traditional sauces, and aged balsamic vinegar. -A professional photographer will accompany you, taking casual shots and posed photos at famous spots around Rome. Important: -Note that Campo di Fiori (the market) is closed during evening tours. -Please let us know in advance if you have any food allergies or dietary needs. -Foods & photography service are included -Please bring as few items as possible -You will receive the original photos at the dame day - duration of tour is 2-2.5 hours
  1. Airbnb
  2. Italia
  3. Lazio
  4. Metropolitan City of Rome Capital
  5. Roma
  6. Monti